Welcome to WUWL2008!
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The Championships will be held in the following bodyweight Categories:
Men: 56kg, 62kg, 69kg, 77kg, 85kg, 94kg, 105kg, +105kg
Women: 48kg, 53kg, 58kg, 63kg, 69kg, 75kg, +75kg
The competition will be executed in following sequence: the Snatch the Clean and Jerk
Each country is authorised to enter a maximum of twenty (20) persons from which eight (8) men competitors and seven (7) women competitors spread over the different categories with a maximum of two (2) competitors per category and five (5) officials.
During the competition, competitor may not compete in more than one category.
For all athletes, the official weigh-in is obligatory and begins two (2) hours before the star� of the competition and lasts one hour.
Countries entering four (4) or more competitors must provide the Organising Committee with the names of two (2) international referees (1 effective and 1 non-travelling substitute) per nominated judge. Any country failing to fulfil this obligation will pay a fee per judge to the Organising Committee (see: N2-Nominative Entry Form).
The Organizing Committee shall receive -at the moment of accreditation- the penalty fee from the countries which have not fulfilled their obligations.
Age Limit
The competitors must be born between January 1st, 1980 and December 1st, 1990.
Deadlines for Entries
Preliminary Entry Form (N1): 25 September 2008
Final Entry Form (N2): 5 November 2008
Individual Entry Form FISU Family (I4): 5 November 2008
Nominative Entry Form Officials and Referees (N2): 5 November 2008
Delegation Travel Schedule (N3): 5 November 2008
Individual Competitor Entry Form (I1): 5 November 2008
Prepayment: 25 % before November 5th 2008.
Fee: US$ 60 per person per day (includes participation, transportation from and to the airport, as well as from the hotel to the stadium and back, accommodation in the Organization's hotels with full board).